Using mountain biking to accelerate and sustain recovery from mental ill-health

Developing Mountain Biking in Scotland (DMBinS) are breaking new ground by delivering a holistic approach to positive health outcomes through an innovative Mountain Bike Trail Therapy programme. We wanted Scotland to be a place where everybody thrives. We want to reset how Scotland thinks about wellbeing and health.

Our Trail Therapy programme is something we are exceptionally proud of and have worked hard to secure funding to be able to pilot, then roll out in South Lanarkshire and Tayside. Recovery is our film about the programme. The film focuses on the journey of James, a participant on our Trail Therapy programme, who has used mountain biking to accelerate and sustain his recovery from mental ill-health.

The film interviews and captures the feelings of the participant, a mental health professional and Paul our Trail Therapy leader, who continue to help support James’s recovery journey.

Learn more, and if you can, please consider donating to this programme so we can roll it out across Scotland –


Beyond Limits - VeloNews